Production Technique - Mid/Side EQ
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Production Technique - Mid/Side EQ

Mid/Side EQ

With a mid-side EQ, you have more flexibility over mixing and balancing your drums. For example, create separation and clarity by cutting or attenuating low frequencies from the side channel. The exact frequency cut will vary depending on the content.


M/S : Percussion

Start by grouping your persuasive elements together. In this example, we will use a live recorded loop. With a little extra shine and brilliance for the whole groove. The highs remain pleasant, the whole loop gains air. This helps it pop out in the mix, especially on different types of sound systems where the sound might have been lost before. Don't be too worried about boosting higher frequencies as it's fine to have a side boost, however, something like a boost to a kick drum which if done incorrectly could destroy the mix!


MID/SIDE Equalization: What Is It and When To Use It - Aulart


Tidy up a muddy mix

 Keep stereo position in mind as you deal with the low end in your tracks. Sources like kick and bass should almost always be mono.  Balance things out and sculpt with EQ where necessary. For example, let's say we have a guitar and wanted to clean it up a bit as it's sounding a little muddy in the 150-200Hz range. Performing a side low frequency cut would be a great way to clean up the individual track.


We could also apply the same cut but this time instead of it being for the side we could use a mono low-frequency cut. Remember if we are cutting away frequency at the low end make very subtle edits as it's important to make sure it doesn't negatively impact how your track sounds after any M/S effect is applied.



How to Improve Your Mix with Mid-Side EQ – Icon Collective



Mid-side equalization is a very effective tool. Play around with the different parameters. Subtle moves work best and do not go overboard. Have patience and use your ears which h will result in the best sounding mix.